
Michiel Sikkes

Articles from this author.

Coming to GoMonthly in July: Super Smooth operations

We already allow you to launch a subscription business for your product. Now we’re adding the next big thing: super smooth operations for device returns..

Making PR reviewing work across projects

A crucial part of our development process at Firmhouse is that we review each other’s code and leave comments via Pull Requests...

A case for the distributed internet

At the beginning of March 2017, Amazon Web Services had an outage. This time it was a failure in their S3 file storage service in...

Filtering Facebook search spiders/bots and other automated requests (FB_IAB)

TL;DR: Filter out requests with user agents that include the keyword "FB_IAB" to track who visits your page from Facebook Ads.

DeviceToken and turbolinks-ios

Ruby on Rails 5, Turbolinks and Turbolinks iOS are fantastic frameworks to build hybrid native apps. We've already built a few...

Our plans for Intercity Next

A few months ago, Jeroen started working on a new open source project: Intercity Next. "Next" is the next generation version...

Preview of the new Intercity UI

I've got some exciting things to show you. As you might know, Intercity is our home-grown web-based management dashboard for hosting...

Tab Bar native-hybrid app with Xcode storyboards and Turbolinks 5

It's the most promising change to Ruby on Rails I've been waiting for: the ability to create hybrid-native mobile apps...

Firmhouse is looking for a front-end developer

We are looking to add a front-end developer to our remote distributed team. We're currently a team of all-around Rails developers...

Controlling HTML5 audio/video tags on mobile Safari

For a side-project ( I am using HTML5 audio tags and controlling them via JavaScript. The side project is a simple...

Using Mixpanel Custom Queries

This weekend, I implemented a metrics dashboard for our iOS, Android and web app Sporzer. One metric that I needed on this dashboard...

Measuring Monthly Active Users

Three weeks ago, we decided that we are going to focus all our efforts for our app Sporzer towards increasing the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs).