Our shopping habits can change for the better through consumable subscriptions—a practical way to rewire our purchasing patterns and make sustainable choices feel natural.
Our latest update automatically tags each first recurring subscription order, helping you quickly identify and connect with new subscribers—perfect for creating those memorable first impressions.
You can now better keep track of customers, orders, invoices, and products with sorting columns in overview pages. With this feature, your navigation is streamlined, data is more accessible, and you can more quickly find the information you need.
Picture this: a busy professional who no longer has to think about picking up coffee, or a parent whose detergent just arrives right when they need it. These are the small conveniences that consumable subscriptions bring, blending ease with thoughtful timing to keep customers happy.
We’ve been working on a little something to make your life easier: customer filters on plans and products. Whether you're running a campaign, checking in on subscriber stats, or just need a clearer view of your customer data, these filters have got you covered.
Every disposable container, every single-use package, and every piece of unnecessary wrapping isn't just environmental waste but money literally being thrown away. Merchants who are rethinking this model are discovering a goldmine of savings and opportunities.
With the addition of Veriff to your project, you can offer secure identity verification to your customers during the signup process. Veriff provides AI-powered, automated identity checks alongside human-assisted verification.
Over time, small, everyday choices with consumable products compound, creating a significant impact on sustainability. By choosing eco-friendly alternatives like refillable containers, biodegradable items, and plastic-free packaging, we can build habits that collectively reduce waste and promote a greener future.
Our feature lets you set different prices for different countries, all in one project. Say goodbye to the challenges of managing multiple stores and duplicated products. As you expand across borders and reach new customers, this update is designed to make your life simpler and easier.
Our October 2024 retreat was a chance for our remote team to connect in person and unite toward our mission of shifting commerce for good. Between productive work sessions, morning coffee chats, and cozy moments by the fire, we built stronger bonds while soaking in the beauty of the French countryside.
Make sure every subscription order is worth it by setting a minimum order threshold. It’s an easy way to keep things running smoothly and ensure your customers never miss a beat.